Tuesday, October 28, 2008


It is 10 am on Tuesday and I have been up since 6 am which is unheard of for me, but I could not get back to sleep.
I am waiting for my friend to get ready coz we are going out for breakfast and then shopping. Linens and things are going out of business, and I have 6 20%off coupons. We are going to find some deals. Then I want to head to the mall, of course.
I have become a cheer mom (not really), and am forced into participating in all the "fun" activities that go along with it. On Saturday morning, we had a hair curling party for the girls and everyone had to bring a breakfast item. That lasted 2 hours, ugh. In the afternoon we had a game but the girls only stayed through halftime, so not so bad.
On Sunday, was their local competition and the girls had to be there by 6 am, and it didn't end til 5. Since they performed last, we watched the Chargers lose once again, and then headed to the arena around 1, so it wasn't to long of a day for us. I am proud to say that the Marauders came in first place!! This qualifies them for 2 competitions back to back weekends in November in Los Angeles so yuck and double yuck.
Back to Saturday, our friends had a party, so we went over and I drank to many vodka and cranberry juices. I now understand why they advise people to drink cranberry juice if you have a bladder infection- it makes you go to the bathroom a lot! But I didn't feel so good the next day and remebered why I rarely drink.
San Diego has been under red flag warnings for almost a week now with the heat and winds, but no fires lately so I am glad.
That is my life, in a nutshell, for now.