Friday, March 20, 2009

toilet papering a house

I am just looking for opinions here because my 13 year old daughter thinks I am to old to understand, and I have no idea what I am talking about. I do believe I will become smart again in about 5 or so more years. But til then I just bite the bullet and wait for my brains to reappear.
Our house got toilet papered last Friday night, oddly enough it was Friday the 13th. Mallory's friends, a group of boys and girls, used 43 rolls of tp, so you can only imagine the mess. We have 2 really tall trees in the front and they got it all the way to the top.
I told Mal it is done in fun and only to kids who are well liked or if a boy has a crush on you. She was so hurt and upset that these kids would do this to her, she almost had a meltdown. Everyone we know has had it done to them and more then once.
Mallory wasn't even home that night so I made the kids come back the next day and clean it up. Since it was my birthday and Mal wasn't home, I certainly wasn't going to do it.
I am curious about what you guys think about tp'ing a house, or is this just a California thing?


Dawn said...

I never did it when I was a kid, nor did I ever have it done to my house. Guess I wasn't well liked or had someone with a crush on me. I'd never heard of any of that either.

I always assumed it was just kids out being mischievous and nothing more. I don't see it as a big deal, AS LONG AS the kids come back and clean it up.

Back in December, a bunch of kids whose parents are "politicaly connected" were out doing it to homes they had no connection to them. One of the homes belonged to an elderly couple. They heard a ruckus outside and called the police. They were not arrested but their parents had to come to the station to get their kids. The parents of course didn't see it as a big deal, and felt like the police over-reacted. The homeowners however, saw it differently. Their property had been vandalized in their eyes and they wanted the kids arrested. It was a big argument on local chat boards and at city council meetings.

While I can see that the kids were just playing around, I can also see the point of the homeowners. They shouldn't have to clean up after these kids.

I guess what I'm saying is that if the kids KNOW the target house, and it's perfectly clear that it's a prank and they plan on helping with the cleanup, it's fine. But if they are out randomly papering homes, they should be held accountable.

Ang said...

in high school we ALWAYS TP'd houses.. and it was always the popular kids who got it done to them, or the well liked kids. Tell Mal she is over-reacting.

there are much worse things we did to the kids we didn't like. As ashamed as I am to admit that.

Thats just my 2 cents.

~Terri~ said...

Ha funny you posted this today...I just had lunch with a high school friend and we were reminiscing about all the crazy things we used to do when we were teenagers. TP'ing houses was almost a weekend event for us! Oh the fun we had doing it. Of course we only did it to our most bestest of friends or the really cute guy we had a crush on that week and we ALWAYS went back the next day to clean it up.
Just try to reassure Mal that it's OK. They probably did it because she is well like or better of those boys has a secret crush on her. I know it's hard to get a teenager to understand that but it's usually true.

Loopy said...

Except for halloween I've never heard of this. Seems I missed out on some fun when I was a kid. hee hee